Saturday, January 23, 2010

I've got 40,000 SkyMiles in my account...

...and I'm free the first week in February. Where should I go?
(I'm limited to the US, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America).


  1. I can't keep up with you.

    Weren't you supposed to start in Brazil this month?


  2. Ooh! If it were my ticket, I'd book for:

    1. Mexico, D.F.
    2. Bluefields, Nicaragua
    3. Montreal
    4. New York City
    5. Kauai (assuming Hawaii is included)

  3. Felicia: Yes, I was. The visa quagmire. Another delay. I'll email ya the particlars.

    A Louca: I immediately struck #3 and #4 off the list; after the pre-Christmas snowstorm in NYC, I decided that I'd had enough of the white stuff (and associated temperatures). The other three on the list (I was pulling for DF) came in at way over 40,000 miles. SFO was almost the winner, until dark horse GUA took the lead in the final lap!
